A while back, when I cleaned out of my beloved Renault 5 TL before I sold it, I found an interesting artifact. It was a frizzy piece of paper hidden in a corner of the trunk. And what do you know? It is the setlist from the first gig The Vineyards did! What a relic!
The first setlist
The paper is not dated, so you may ask how can I know it is the first setlist? There is one song called After the Great Divide that we have only played once, and that was on the very first gig at Barbeint in Oslo 10th April 2003. The song was actually a slow waltz. Nice enough, but it just didn´t cut it. And it still doesn´t.
Those of you that have followed us through the years might see that three of the songs found their way to official album releases. Most of the other songs unfortunately did not, but are out there as demo recordings. So if you went to one of our early shows, maybe you got your hand on some golden treasure?
The final trivia regarding the lost but now found setlist is that it is actually written by Hans Martin. This is very rare, and happened only in 2003.
Then the first gig this autumn is done! We opened a two day festival located north-east in Oslo in the suburban heaven called Groruddalen. We had some difficulties getting the correct information regarding when we were to show up, and for how long we were supposed to play. So, we arrived one hour before we thought we were supposed to be there, and one hour after the festival thougt they had told us to be there. Anyhow, we got there and started to do what every rock orchestra does most of the time when giging – yes, we wait.
Tormod is catching up with the latest news
It is a very strange unwritten rule that now matter how early or late you arrive, you just have to wait. So, over the years we have become quite good at it as well.
Kjartan is waiting to do some rock
We were the opening act this evening, and the bands playing after us were Satyricon and Kaizer´s Orchestra. For some reason the Kaizer-people had a stupid amount of flight cases that just had to be placed right at the entrance of the stage, and the whole «where should we put our gear» was a bit confusing. But in the end we found a decent spot on the stage. I placed my monstrous bass rig right in front of Frost´s evil drum kit – just to make a childish statement, as I often do.
The stage - before the move of the might bass amp!
The ancient VNRDS-organ was brought along for this special occasion. However, it chose to just not work. Too bad, but we had the Phillichorda so the delightful organ sound was secured. Hans Martin was in addition in bewilderment regarding our infamous backdrop.
Hans Martin in bewilderment
For some reason there seemed to be some difficulties for the stage crew to actually hang the backdrop behind us. Even after a friendly discussion about the pros and cons of backdrop engineering, the prospects looked bleak. But 30 minutes later, two lads from the stage crew found out that they could climb the stage rig, and a few meters of gaffa later:
Oh yess. Backdrop, hovering above evil drum kit.
To be honest, the gig went OK. We have to admit that we are a bit rusty, but the audience seemed happy, so no reason to complain. The strange thing was that we were told to play for 35 minutes. But because of a general high speed song delivery we played for about 30 minutes. When we went of stage someone backstage said: «What?! You were supposed to play for an hour!». Nobody had told us, but we went back on and played some more merry tunes. All in all, great fun!
Did you think that The Vineyards didn´t have any plans this autumn? That they were just going to stay indoors playing mighty rock music for their own amusement? You couldn´t be more wrong!
As mentioned before we are doing a mini tour with The Audience in early November. An update here is that the venue in Oslo is Garage, and yet another band will join us for the evening: X-Queen of the Astronauts. Oh yes, you´ve heard them before, and you love them too.
But there is more to come!
Already on 4th September we are playing festival called Granittrock, along with Satyricon and Kaizers Orchestra. That should be fun.
23rd and 24th October we are transporting our tiny asses to Berlin. The gig on the 23rd is not yet confrimed. The gig on the 24th is nothing less booked by the Norwegian Embassy! Can you dig it? We can. The details are a bit unclear, but we hear roumors that it is held in a circus tent.
The 30th October we are back in Norway playing a show at Gamla in Oslo. It is an event called «Bønder i byen». We played there last year, and they were so kind to ask us once again.
Then it is the mini tour with The Audience and X-Queen of the Astronauts 5th-7th November.
After a short break we are setting sails to conquer yet another country: The Netherlands. 26th-28th November we are doing another mini tour. At least one gig will be with The Audience in Den Haag. Information on the other two gigs will be revealed soon. Maybe we will team up with some old friends of ours.
So now you are almost as updated on The Vineyards as we are!
As of today The Vineyards’ new record, The Vineyards, is out in all possible formats we can think of, and here is where to go shopping for it. We do not have a complete list of record stores that carry our genious stuff (especially outside the lovely country of Norway), so if you have any info on other places to go shopping for our premium product please give us a note in the comments below and we’ll update the list as we go.
Last night I was walking down the street Howie B from Bloodlights drove by in his car shouting through the window: «great vinyl»!!
And today I ran down to the superb record store Big Dipper to see for myself, and there it was! So, finally the long awaited time is here.
And you better run and get a copy for yourself and all your friends. Just take a look at the back: Track 13? Oh, yes, there is a bonus track. The first recording ever made by The Vineyards from 2003.
Ein eldre herre og programleiar i NRK måtte ty til sjølvskading med selleri etter å ha uttalt the vineyards feil. Heldigvis er selleri et mjukt og derfor uegna redskap til denne typen aktivitet. Episoden ser derfor heldigvis ikkje ut til å medføre seinskader for programleiaren.
Lytt til den dramatiske episoden av Herreavdelingen som ble sendt 12. mai. The Vineyards anbefaler alle å abonnere på Herreavdelingen sin fabelaktige podcast. Det blir for dumt å la vere, lixm.
The Vineyards strongly recommend that you visit Synne Moen Tøften´s website. She was the designer that made the fantastic cover art for our latest album. Get a glimpse at what inspired her in the process and how the artwork was made.
And last but not least; take a look at the extremely limited edition merchandise that will be available only on eBay! We´ll let you know when the auctions start!
Ok, here it is – Northern Winters arranged for acoustic guitar and macintosh! I bet you’ve never seen anything like it :
[flashvideo file=»video/tvnorge-vnrds.flv» /]
Now, we do need to explain this performance. As you may know, The Vineyards is a band fully employed in the business sector and a lot of our texts reflects the hard and dull life of office work. Like we say in Texas Ranger:
«gotta make a living, that’s all I know, it’s time to work, let’s go, let’s go!»
or in The Alibi:
«but as the clock is ticking and the day runs out, I cross my arms, I’m dreaming of what life is about» … «I should be seated at the fireside, with a little velvet robe untied, but every time I try to unwind, I’ll be standing at the assembely line»
Now, that is what we call powerful lyrics! The hard office work require a lot of skills in how to lure the co-workers (and bosses) to believe that you’re actually working when you’re sitting at the desk. What they don’t know is that we are actually making music in our office hours while playing keyboard on our macs. This version of Northern Winters is a way for us to come clean to our co-workers and say that there is indeed a life outside the cubicle! Enjoy!
Be shure to tune in to OsloTV tonight as Kjartan and Hans Martin from The Vineyards will visit and play a very special version of Northern Winters from the new album.
This will be a one time only preformance of this edit of Northern Winters so do not miss it. We do not want to say to much about the gig, but the way it will be played will reflect our daily life as office workers and white collar bastards.
Update: You can se us at approx 17:50 and 18:50 on Oslo TV. The recording will also be available on the web tomorrow!