Shows! Gigs! Entertainment!

Did you think that The Vineyards didn´t have any plans this autumn? That they were just going to stay indoors playing mighty rock music for their own amusement? You couldn´t be more wrong!

As mentioned before we are doing a mini tour with The Audience in early November. An update here is that the venue in Oslo is Garage, and yet another band will join us for the evening: X-Queen of the Astronauts. Oh yes, you´ve heard them before, and you love them too.

But there is more to come!

Already on 4th September we are playing festival called Granittrock, along with Satyricon and Kaizers Orchestra. That should be fun.

23rd and 24th October we are transporting our tiny asses to Berlin. The gig on the 23rd is not yet confrimed. The gig on the 24th is nothing less booked by the Norwegian Embassy! Can you dig it? We can. The details are a bit unclear, but we hear roumors that it is held in a circus tent.

The 30th October we are back in Norway playing a show at Gamla in Oslo. It is an event called «Bønder i byen». We played there last year, and they were so kind to ask us once again.

Then it is the mini tour with The Audience and X-Queen of the Astronauts 5th-7th November.

After a short break we are setting sails to conquer yet another country: The Netherlands. 26th-28th November we are doing another mini tour. At least one gig will be with The Audience in Den Haag. Information on the other two gigs will be revealed soon. Maybe we will team up with some old friends of ours.

So now you are almost as updated on The Vineyards as we are!

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